For the past several weeks I have been using a new (to me) social connectivity tool called Twitter. Twitter asks one simple question "What are you doing?" and gives you 140 "characters" to answer. This simple phrase has sparked a movement on the internet that is quickly redefining how we communicate over the internet.
Tuesday's Question of the week: What are you doing?
How Renting Storage Space Can Simplify Your Move
5 months ago
Great find Tim! I may just have to borrow this video for my blog and/or the social media workshop I'm doing at the Sticky Church Conference. Thanks.
I just listened to Mercy Me's new song, Finally Home. It has a great simple, but highly catchy melody. I posted it on my blog. Also, learned that they will be coming to OKC on April 4, with Jeremy Camp and others ... for only $10 - all seats general admission.
I remember when Tim used to have a blog ...
love the peeps at CommonCraftShow!
Are you the same timothy tibbles who almost drown in the colony tx in the 1980s?
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